Changing Carriers
Yesterday a new day dawned in Japan for cell phone users. Yes, the Age of Portability is upon us. One can now keep his or her phone number when switching mobile carriers. Docomo, AU, and Sotbank have all come out with a slew of new phones and price plans to induce users to switch. Yours truly was tempted to sign up with Softbank to get a Bluetooth phone with a high-resolution digital camera and music player. Softbank will also throw in an iPod Nano at half price when you sign up for their service.
Pricing plans are a mess. I was in the market for some sort of family plan, but the sales rep refused to recommend anything, leafed through a thick pamphlet of pricing options, and suggested that I pick my own. She then told me that Softbank would be announcing new pricing plans on the morrow, but that present plans were available if I signed up now. I then told her where I lived and belatedly found out that my neighborhood was outside the Softbank pale, rendering the whole conversation moot. Softbank may have slick phones and iPods, but they also have lousy coverage in certain parts of Japan. I'll stick with AU, but I still want a Bluetooth phone with a decent camera and a music player.